Main Stope Gallery of Original Art
14 S. Dakota Street Butte, Montana
Wednesday - Friday 11am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 2pm

Sean Keuch
Art came into my life in 2019 when I took a painting class at the University of Montana. Once I got a taste, I changed majors and got a degree in art with a teaching certificate. I paint, sketch, use pastels, build picture frames and go to art shows. I helped renovate the Main Stope Art Gallery in Butte. Immersing myself in the art community to improve my craft and meet with people with different mindsets has been both exciting and illuminating.
Art has uplifted the way I view the world and Butte’s art community drives a lot of what is good in this town. The history, funky buildings, people, extreme weather, and amazing landscapes inspire me every time I go for a drive or a walk. I have worked in Butte for the past 15 years renovating houses for my family. Recently, I purchased my own fixer-upper by the Original Mine headframe. I plan on creating more art, continue working on my house and helping with improvements to the gallery and the Phoenix building.